Shaolin Wushu Duanwei Upgrading System are formulated to further popularize and promote Shaolin Wushu worldwide, increase theoretical and technical level and establish a general standard evaluation system of Shaolin wushu.
The Shaolin Wushu Duan system was divided into Pre-Duan grade and Duan grade.
Qualification to Duan (Pre-duan):1st Pre-Duan, 2nd Pre-Duan, 3rd Pre-Duan:Elementary Duan: 1st Duan, 2nd Duan, 3rd Duan
Intermediate Duan: 4th Duan, 5th Duan, 6th Duan
Advanced Duan: 7th Duan, 8th Duan, 9th Duan
Chapter 1 Objectives
Article1 Shaolin Wushu Duanwei Upgrading System are formulated to further popularize and promote Shaolin Wushu worldwide, increase theoretical and technical level and establish a general standard evaluation system of Shaolin wushu.
Chapter 2 Levels of Duan
Articles 2 The Shaolin Wushu Duan system was divided into Pre-Duan grade and Duan grade.
2.1 Qualification to Duan (Pre-duan):1st Pre-Duan, 2nd Pre-Duan, 3rd Pre-Duan
2.2 Elementary Duan: 1st Duan, 2nd Duan, 3rd Duan
2.3 Intermediate Duan: 4th Duan, 5th Duan, 6th Duan
2.4 Advanced Duan: 7th Duan, 8th Duan, 9th Duan
Chapter 3 Qualification
Article 3 The practitioners who practice Shaolin Wushu over a year and already was a member of International Shaolin Wushu Experts Association can apply for the training and Duan upgrading.
Chapter 4 Management
Article 4 The International Shaolin Wushu Experts Association (hereafter as “ISWEA”) is authorized by the Shaolin Wushu Sports Administration Bureau of Dengfeng city, own right to manage and hold overseas Duan upgrading exams, supervising the work condition of Duan system and awarding Duan certificates, emblems and uniform.
Article 5 The unit member shall be qualified to provide training courses and exams for 1-3 pre-duan once got the authorization. All certificates and emblems issued to members shall be reviewed and proved by sending exam results to the ISWEA.
Articles 6 The referees from local branch must own required Duan level and Shaolin Wushu Duanwei Referee Certificate before carrying out the Duan training and examination work in accordance with the regulations of Shaolin Wushu Duanwei Upgrading System.
Chapter 5 Application and Examination
Articles 7 The applicants shall submit application for Duan upgrading within the stipulated time.
Articles 8 Identification of application
8.1 The qualification panel shall appraise the qualifications of the applicant, including the applicant’s experiences of practicing wushu, achievements in work,etc.
Articles 9 Examination Method
9.1 Those who apply for 1-3 Pre-Duan Qualification shall submit application to the local branches of ISWEA, then trained and tested by the branches directly. The exam process shall be videoed and reported to the headquarters for the record.
9.2 Those who apply for 1-3 Duan shall submit application to the local branches of ISWEA, trained and tested by the masters sent from the headquarters at a fixed time.
9.3 Those who apply for 4-9 Duan shall submit application to the local branches of ISWEA, then organized to go to the headquarters for training and exams by the Technical Panel of headquarters.
Articles 10 Content of Examination
10.1 Examination in Theory
10.1.1 Elementary Duan: Perform Shaolin wushu protocol
10.1.2 Intermediate Duan: Basic concept of Wushu ethics, perform Wushu protocol, and the basic theories in Shaolin wushu
10.1.3 Advanced Duan: Basic concept of ShaolinWushu ethics, perform Wushu protocol, and the basic theories in Shaolin Wushu; 10 minutes speech on one academic topic of Shaolin wushu and 5 minutes answering questions.
10.2 Examination in Skills
10.2.1 Pre-Duan
Those who have obtained qualification for Duan exams and pass the examination in performing Wushu basic moves required for pre-duan are qualified for applying for pre-duan.
10.2.2 Elementary Duan
Those who have been pre-duan for over one year, pass the examination in performing bare-handed routine (Wushu Exercises and Shaolin18 Moves) required for 1st Duan are qualified for applying for 1st Duan.
Those who have been elementary duan for over one year, pass the examination in performing bare-handed routine (Simplified xiao hong quan 24 moves; tong bi quan) required for 2nd Duan are qualified for applying for 2nd Duan.
Those who have been elementary duan for over one year, pass the examination in performing one bare-handed routine (Zhao yang quan) required for 3rd Duan and one weapon routine (Yin shou stick) are qualified for applying for 3rd Duan.
10.2.3 Intermediate Duan
Those who have been 3rd Duan for over two years, pass the examination in performing two bare-handed routines (Luo han quan; Da hong quan) required for 4th Duan are qualified for applying for 4th Duan.
Those who have been 4th Duan for over two years, pass the examination in performing one bare-handed routine (Chang Quan) required for 5th Duan and one weapon routine(Broad Sword) are qualified for applying for 5th Duan.
Those who have been 5th Duan for over two years, pass the examination in performing two bare-handed routines(Mei hua quan; Qi xing quan) required for 6th Duan are qualified for applying for 6th Duan.
10.2.4 Advanced Duan
Those who have been 6th Duan for over three years, pass the examination in performing one bare-handed routines(Liu he quan) and one weapon routine(Spear), made remarkable achievements in theoretical research and noble-minded in wushu virtues are qualified for applying for 7th Duan.
Those who have been 7th Duan for over three years, pass the examination in performing two bare-handed routines(Pao quan; Chang hu xin yi men quan) and one weapon routine (Sword), made remarkable achievements in work, theoretical research and theoretical works, made substantial contribution for Shaolin wushu development and noble- minded in wushu virtues are qualified for applying for 8th Duan.
Those who have been 8th Duan for over three years, made remark achievements in work and theoretical research, made great contribution for Shaolin wushu development, had great impact on Shaolin wushu development and noble-minded in wushu virtues are qualified for applying for 9th Duan.
10.3 Duan applicants may perform routines with the same technical level as the routine required for the related Duan
Article 11 Conferment of Duan:
The local branch shall evaluate the results of Duan application, and send the results to headquarters of ISWEA. The applicants who pass the appraisal of Wushu ethics, examinations in skills and theories, and the qualification identifications above, will be conferred a level concerned and awarding certificate and emblem.
Chapter 6 Certificates, Emblems and Uniform
Article 11 The uniforms, certificates and emblems were designed and uniformly made by company assigned by ISWEA .
11.1 Certificates
There are four types of certificates, namely membership certificates, Duanwei certificates, Duanwei trainer certificates and Duanwei referee certificates.
11.2 Emblems
A pattern of traditional kungfu style named liu he quan(6-match style) is put on emblems.
Green emblem for 1-3 Duan
Red emblem for 4-6 Duan
Yellow emblem for 7-9 Duan
11.3 Uniforms
The uniforms for Shaolin Wushu Duan Upgrading System are classified as three kinds: membership uniform, trainer uniform and referee uniform.
Chapter 7 Rights
Article 12 Those who own level of Shaolin Wushu Duan can participate in the activities such as competition, training and Wushu research hold by ISWEA.
Article 13 Those who own medium level of Shaolin Wushu Duan can apply for qualification exams for trainer of ISWEA.
Article 14 Those who own medium or advanced level of Shaolin Wushu Duan and obtain the certificate of Shaolin Wushu Duanwei Referee that can serve as referee for Duan level exam and upgrade.
Chapter 8 Obligations
Article 15 Comply with regulations and safeguard the reputation of Shaolin Wushu Duan system. Love the Shaolin martial arts career, actively participate in various activities of martial arts.
Chapter 9 Penalty
Article 16 ISWEA own right to give warning, notice of criticism and cancel the qualification depend in any one of the following serious conditions:
16.1 Obtain the certificates in illegal way; forge and alternate certificates;
16.2 Cheat or disturb social orders by abusing certificates;
16.3 Other illegal or immoral behaviors related to ISWEA.
Shaolin wushu exercises
Shaolin basic skills --18 moves
Simplified xiao hong quan(the small flood style)- 24 moves; Tong bi quan(through-the-arms style)
Zhao yang quan(facing sun style)
Shao huo gun/Yin shou gun(stick)
Da hong quan(the big flood style)
Luo han quan(Arhat style)
Chang quan(long-range style)
Dao(Broad sword)
Mei hua quan(plum blossom style)
Qi xing quan(seven stars style)
Liu he quan(6-match style)
炮拳 / 长护心意门 / 少林剑
Pao quan(Explosive style)
Chang hu xin yi men quan(Guard the heart and mind gate style)